You may want to look into warm vacation spots. 你可以搜索下温暖的度假地。
Heating elements in all three walls, bottom, and door create a warm air jacket around the inner chamber to guarantee superior temperature uniformity with no hot spots. 通用培养箱采用三面内壁、箱底、门构造的暖气气套系统确保箱体内部温度均匀。
It is important to have a warm bath and a comfortable sleep to recover from the tiring trips to the games or the scenic spots. 从令人兴奋的赛场或名胜古迹回到酒店,洗个热水澡,躺在舒适干净的床上美美地睡一觉,这对消除您旅途的疲劳非常。
As he leaned panting against the spot, he felt even the warm spots growing chill beneath his hands. 他斜靠在这个位置上,喘息着,觉得他手掌下那个温暖的部位,也开始变得越来越冷了。